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Member Fathom Q&A

by Default Admin

We caught up with our longstanding members Fathom earlier this month to give us an insight into what they do, their experience at Square Works and their future plans. If you want to dive a little deeper into Fathom please head to their website: www.fathom.global


Can you tell us more about Fathom?

Fathom is a specialist in water risk intelligence. With flood hazard data and catastrophe models that span the globe, we are able to provide our expertise within a diverse range of industries and sectors. Primarily, this includes insurance, engineering, international development, climate change and multi-national organisations. Our team largely consists of flood modellers, with a handful of sales, marketing and accountancy specialists thrown into the mix.

What challenges did you face over the last year?

I'm sure it comes as no surprise when my answer to this is lockdown!

As a company, we have been fortunate in that we have been able to continue to grow our team and expand our services. However, the shift to remote working has been difficult. We pride ourselves on the culture and community that we have cultivated within our team. Although we have learnt to adapt, Zoom is definitely not the same as a chat over lunch - especially when bringing on new team members.

We're definitely looking forward to a time when it is safe to get together and have an in-person team catch-up.

Any recent news or achievements you wish to share?

At the start of the year, Fathom launched our latest flood hazard data and catastrophe model for the UK. After a lot of hard work, it was great to see this ambitious model deployed on a number of platforms.

The model is the first of its kind in the UK to factor in the impact of climate change on multiple time horizons; 2035, 2050 and 2070. So it's pretty important stuff!

Why did your team choose co-working and Square Works over leasing your own offices?

Well, I think the answer to this question really depends on who you ask. Simbi would argue that it is for the good coffee that Square Works provide; whereas Ollie and Andy feel quite strongly about the ping pong table that they are able to use on their 'productivity breaks'. For myself, I feel like the office has a calming vibe that supports productivity. I also love all of the beautiful plants that can be seen throughout the building.

Our organisation has always endorsed flexible working. So realistically, we don't all need to be in the office everyday, and when we do, we each have our own unique working schedule that suits us. Square Works facilitates this really well. 

Sadly due to lockdown, the Fathom team haven't been able to use the offices as much as we would like. Hopefully, this will change over the next few months. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Usually, I like to consider myself a bit of a social bunny and spend a lot of time with friends. However, over lockdown, I've started to revisit old hobbies that I had pushed aside - reading and gardening being the main two. After making many mistakes over the last year, I am hoping to successfully grown my own fruit and veg this summer - so please wish me luck!