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Meet our Head of Community!

With 2022 well underway, it’s a great time to pause and take stock of how best to make the most of 2022! As more of us are heading back into the office environment, we wanted to find out how our team here at Square Works plan on having a positive year and what their plans include. Meet our Head of Community, Kevin, and take a look at what he is manifesting for this year!


Can you introduce yourself and your role here at SQW?
My name is Kevin and I am the Head of Community at Square Works. I joined the company and started the project back in 2018. My role today is very much focused on 3 main areas: Community – Business Development – Building Operations

Did you set any resolutions for 2022?
My advice is not to make any resolutions. We already put a lot of pressure on ourselves to always achieve and feel that we have to be better. I think it’s okay just to be who we are and just be kind to ourselves.

What new events or workshops are you most excited about for this year?
I’m always excited by the quarterly Members’ parties. We’ve got a fantastic community of members at The Square Club and Square Works and it’s amazing to be all together and have fun, a good boogie with live music and other entertainment.

What are your wellbeing tips for members this year?
We’re located just around the corner from Brandon Hill where you have one of the best views of Bristol, so I’d definitely recommend going for a quick walk in the park at least once a day -especially if you’re sat all day in front of a screen.

Finally, what do you envision for SQW in the year ahead?
We have some great plans for Square Works in 2022 but I’m afraid I can’t say more for now. You’ll have to wait for an official announcement around Spring time!

To stay up-to-date on our events and workshops here at Square Works, make sure to follow us on social!